My Featured Services

Graphics Design

SEO Service

Digital Marketing

Backlink Service

Flayer Design

Social Media Design
I'm Rajib Das Gupta
By profession, I am a Lecturer of ICT in AZC. Photography is my passion, so I started to learn Graphics Design in 2005. After completing successfully planning a photography blog, that’s why I enter the Website Design section. I do Graphics Design, Logo Design, Banner Design, and Flayer Design, and SEO expert. I wouldn’t say I like to work in Freelancer Marketplace because, from my point of view, every design is a master piece and to create a masterpiece takes time.
Are You Hesitant To Hire An Unknown Freelancer?
There is no need to be hesitant. I have the solution. If your project budget is above $200,You can hire us from Upwork using the Direct Contact Method. Because we all knowUpwork is a very popular and trusted marketplace for hiring freelancers worldwide.So hopefully this will make you feel more secure and comfortable working with me.
For Small Task you can buy me a coffee, Scan this QR code

How I do projects
I Like To Follow These Steps
Recent Projects
Benefits Of Hiring Me
The biggest advantage of hiring us is that we usually work with the same quality of work
that you will get after hiring an expert from the Freelance marketplace. However, in this
case, you do not have to pay extra 30-40% commission to the marketplace. Cheers!
We accepts Paypal, Credit or Debit Cards, Bitcoin, Perfect Money, WesternUnion, Wise, Remitly etc.
We are committed to satisfying our client by completing the project according to client's demand.
If any kind of revision is required after order delivery, then There is a chance to get 3 times revision for Free.
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